SOHO/LASCO View of January 2005 Solar Events
The January 20 flare began just before 2 a.m. ET. A storm of energetic protons impacted Earth just 15 minutes later. These views of the flare are from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The proton storm near Earth causes `snow' in the images, obscuring the Sun as radiation swamps the cameras. The structure at the 1:30 position in the SOHO/LASCO/C3 data is the occulting disk pylon.
Movie of LASCO and EIT data in late January 2005.

The CME in question is so fast, it appears in only one LASCO/C2 camera frame.

A nice 'light-bulb' CME.

The LASCO imagers are quickly saturated by hits from solar protons.
For More Information
Please give credit for this item to:
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. Others who provided data and consultations: Karl Battams (NRL), Brian Dennis (NASA/GSFC), Sam Krucker (University of California at Berkeley)
- Tom Bridgman (Global Science and Technology, Inc.)
- Robert Lin (University of California at Berkeley)
- Richard Mewaldt (CalTech)
- Richard Nightingale (LMSAL)
Release date
This page was originally published on Tuesday, May 24, 2005.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 1:56 PM EDT.
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LASCO/C2 (C2) [SOHO: Large Angle Spectrometric COronagraph (LASCO)]
ID: 160This dataset can be found at:
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LASCO/C3 (C3) [SOHO: Large Angle Spectrometric COronagraph (LASCO)]
ID: 161This dataset can be found at:
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SOHO/EIT 195 (195 Filter) [SOHO: Extreme-UV Imaging Telescope (EIT)]
ID: 477This dataset can be found at:
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