Water Cycle Nonstationarity
The global water cycle is undergoing unprecedented shifts from climate change, intensified by human water and land management practices. These changes are evident in phenomena such as depleted groundwater, earlier snowmelt, and erratic fluctuations in floods and drought occurrences. To better understand these changes in terrestrial water storage, scientists have integrated multiple remote sensing datasets with NASA’s advanced land surface model through data assimilation, creating a global water storage reanalysis dataset. The results capture the complex patterns of global water cycle shifts in response to both climate and human activities. Using this new integrated dataset, scientists use statistical methods (time series analysis) to identify trends (TR), seasonal shifts (SS), and changes in extreme events (EFR), ultimately developing an index, the “Nonstationarity Index,” (NSI) that quantifies the degree of nonstationarity within the global water system.
Nonstationarity Index (NSI) for global terrestrial water storage. NSI ranges from 0 to 1 with larger values of NSI indicating stronger trends, larger seasonal shifts, and greater changes in the frequency of extremes.
Theil-Sen slope of global terrestrial water storage (TR). Positive values indicate an increasing trend while negative values reveal a decreasing trend.
Seasonal peak shift of global terrestrial water storage (SS). Positive values indicate a shift of the seasonal peak of terrestrial water storage towards later in the year while negative values indicate a shift towards an earlier peak.
Extreme frequency ratio of global terrestrial water storage (EFR). A change point detection algorithm is applied to estimate the ratio of the number of extreme events before and after the change point. The EFR in this image is presented in its logarithmic form, so that positive values indicate increased extremes after the change point while negative values indicate decreased extremes after the change point. Areas with no value indicate no detection of a change point.
The following outlines the method we use to estimate nonstationarity for a single grid cell in southeastern Australia. For a comprehensive overview of the changes in Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) in this region, please visit the Terrestrial Water Storage: Regional Views 2003–2019 webpage.
First, the original TWS time series is decomposed into three components: long-term trend, seasonal variation, and residual (remainder). Next, we estimate three key metrics based on the decomposed time series:
1. Theil-Sen Slope (TR): This measures the overall trend of the water storage time series.
2. Seasonal Peak Shift (SS): This quantifies any shift in the timing of the seasonal peak of terrestrial water storage.
3. Extreme Frequency Ratio (EFR): For this metric, we convert the residual time series into a binary series using standard scores, where 0 represents normal conditions and 1 represents extreme events. We then identify a change point in the binary series, and the extreme frequency ratio is calculated as the ratio of extreme events occurring before and after the change point.
Each of these three metrics is then ranked within its global context and integrated into the nonstationarity index (NSI).
The original terrestrial water storage time series was normalized using the MinMaxScaler, transforming the values into a range between zero and one.
The decomposed long-term trend time series.
The decomposed seasonal time series.
The decomposed residual time series, with two horizontal lines indicating one standard deviation. The vertical line marks the point at which a change point is detected.
Related references:
Featured story: NASA Scientists Find New Human-Caused Shifts in Global Water Cycle
NASA Land Information System: NASA LIS Framework
Please give credit for this item to:
NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio
- Cindy Starr (Global Science and Technology, Inc.)
- Mark SubbaRao (NASA/GSFC)
- Wanshu Nie (SAIC)
- Sujay Kumar (NASA/GSFC)
- Kim Locke (SAIC)
Technical support
- Laurence Schuler (ADNET Systems, Inc.)
- Ian Jones (ADNET Systems, Inc.)
Release date
This page was originally published on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 3:48 PM EST.
Related papers
W. Nie, S.V. Kumar, A. Getirana, L. Zhao, M.L. Wrzesien, G. Konapala, S.K. Ahmad, K.A. Locke, T.R. Holmes, B.D. Loomis, M. Rodell, Nonstationarity in the global terrestrial water cycle and its interlinkages in the Anthropocene, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.121 (45) e2403707121 (2024), linked here.
Datasets used
Nonstationarity index for terrestrial water storage and its components (Nonstationarity index for terrestrial water storage and its components)
ID: 1233Credit: Wanshu Nie
This dataset can be found at: https://archive.data.jhu.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7281/T1/KOTDPY
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