Goddard B-roll Kit
A collection of footage and animations from Goddard Space Flight Center.
Buildings and signage from Goddard campuses.
Goddard From Above
Go to this pageThis is an expanding collection of aerial images and 4K video of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Each group contains footage of the specific buildings or campus areas described in its title, along with nearby features, and in most cases includes a brief summary of the shots available in each video sequence.
Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation B-roll
Go to this pageB-roll; Exterior of newly renamed Katherine Johnson Indentification Verification and Validation Facility. || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.00001_print.jpg (1024x576) [36.3 KB] || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.00001_searchweb.png (320x180) [57.2 KB] || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.00001_thm.png (80x40) [4.0 KB] || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.mov (3840x2160) [13.0 GB] || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.mp4 (3840x2160) [132.4 MB] || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.webm (3840x2160) [20.1 MB] || Katherine_Johnson_IVV_Exterior_Broll.wmv (3840x2160) [91.0 MB] ||
Goddard Space Flight Center Media Handout
Go to this pageB-roll of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center facility, which includes buildings, cleanrooms, and scientist working. GSFC is located in Greenbelt, Maryland. ||
Satellite Animations
Beauty pass animations of current and past satellite missions.
Satellite Animations
Go to this pageA collection of spacecraft beauty pass animations for current missions.
Visualization & Imagery
Key data visualizations from across science directorates.
Earth Observing Fleet - Now
Go to this pageA current view of NASA's Earth observing fleet. This image is updated every 10 minutes. Time shown in UTC. || fleet_now_print.jpg (1024x576) [143.8 KB] || fleet_now_searchweb.png (180x320) [63.2 KB] || fleet_now_thm.png (80x40) [4.2 KB] || fleet_now.tif (3840x2160) [42.3 MB] || fleet_now_hw.tif (9600x3240) [145.3 MB] ||
Earth Information Center (EIC)
Go to this pageFor more than 50 years, NASA satellites have provided data on Earth's land, water, air, temperature, and climate. The Earth Information Center (EIC) allows visitors to see how our planet is changing in nine key areas: sea level change, air quality, biodiversity, wildfires, greenhouse gases, energy, disasters, water resources, and agriculture. This information supports decision makers in developing the tools they need to mitigate, adapt, and respond to our changing planet. Drawing from insight provided by NASA centers from coast to coast, and in close coordination with other government agencies, industry partners and communities, the Earth Information Center delivers critical data directly into the hands of people in ways that they can immediately use. Through the Earth Information Center discover how NASA sees the unseen and consider why this information matters to us all. This gallery consists of content used in the hyperwall display in the Earth Information Center at NASA Headquarters.
Earth at Night Imagery
Go to this pageDazzling photographs and images from space of our planet’s nightlights have captivated public attention for decades. In such images, patterns are immediately seen based on the presence or absence of light: a distinct coastline, bodies of water recognizable by their dark silhouettes, and the faint tendrils of roads and highways emanating from the brilliant blobs of light that are our modern, well-lit cities. For nearly 25 years, satellite images of Earth at night have served as a fundamental research tool, while also stoking public curiosity. These images paint an expansive and revealing picture, showing how natural phenomena light up the darkness and how humans have illuminated and shaped the planet in profound ways since the invention of the light bulb 140 years ago.
Heliophysics Sentinels 2024
Go to this pageThere have been some changes since the 2022 Heliophysics Fleet. AIM and ICON have been decommissioned while two other instruments have been added. AWE is an instrument mounted on the ISS, and RAD is a particle detector on the Curiosity Mars rover. As of Winter 2024, here's a tour of the NASA Heliophysics fleet from the near-Earth satellites out to the Voyagers beyond the heliopause. ||
Black Holes
Go to this pageThis gallery gathers together visualizations and narrated videos about black holes. A black hole is a celestial object whose gravity is so intense that even light cannot escape it. Astronomers observe two main types of black holes. Stellar-mass black holes contain three to dozens of times the mass of our Sun. They form when the cores of very massive stars run out of fuel and collapse under their own weight, compressing large amounts of matter into a tiny space. Supermassive black holes, with masses up to billions of times the Sun’s, can be found at the centers of most big galaxies. Although a black hole does not emit light, matter falling toward it collects in a hot, glowing accretion disk that astronomers can detect.
Daily Visualizations
Go to this pageThis gallery brings together the data visualizations that are updated daily for NASA's Earth Information Center (EIC).
Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2024
Go to this pageThis color-coded map in Robinson projection displays a progression of changing global surface temperature anomalies. Normal temperatures are shown in white. Higher than normal temperatures are shown in red and lower than normal temperatures are shown in blue. Normal temperatures are calculated over the 30 year baseline period 1951-1980. The maps are averages over a running 24 month window. The final frame represents global temperature anomalies in 2024. || 2024GISTEMP_Map4K.00899_print.jpg (1024x576) [142.0 KB] || 2024GISTEMPMap.png (3840x2160) [3.4 MB] || 2024GISTEMP_Map4K.00899_searchweb.png (320x180) [66.4 KB] || 2024GISTEMP_Map4K.mp4 (3840x2160) [85.9 MB] || 2024GISTEMP_Map4K.00899_thm.png [6.2 KB] || 3840x2160_16x9_30p (3840x2160) [900 Item(s)] ||
Scientists & Engineers
Goddard personnel at work.
Scientists in the Field
Go to this pageVideo compiliations of NASA scientists and partners working in the field. Available to download. || Researchers in volcanic regions. Footage from GIFT in Hawaii. || Compilation2-MaunaLoa.00015_print.jpg (1024x576) [166.4 KB] || Compilation2-MaunaLoa.00015_searchweb.png (320x180) [102.7 KB] || Compilation2-MaunaLoa.00015_thm.png (80x40) [7.6 KB] || Compilation2-MaunaLoa.webm (3840x2160) [57.4 MB] || Compilation2-MaunaLoa.mp4 (3840x2160) [1.1 GB] ||
Selections from Goddard's legacy.
Goddard Space Flight Center (1976)
Go to this pageCelebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2009, Goddard Space Flight Center has seen a lot of changes over its first five decades. Yet at the same time, the core values and mission of the center has changed little. This vintage film from 1976 shows a time-capsule glimpse of GSFC's early foundations and how remarkably similar they are to today. For complete transcript, click here. || GSFC1976_ipod.01777_print.jpg (1024x768) [130.3 KB] || GSFC1976_ipod_web.png (320x240) [305.3 KB] || GSFC1976_ipod_thm.png (80x40) [16.9 KB] || GSFC1976_ipod_searchweb.png (320x180) [106.4 KB] || GSFC1976_HDupres_AppleTV.webmhd.webm (960x540) [125.0 MB] || GSFC1976_HDupres_YouTube.mov (1280x720) [146.3 MB] || GSFC1976_HDupres_AppleTV.m4v (960x540) [306.1 MB] || GSFC1976_ipod.m4v (640x480) [95.9 MB] || GSFC_2009_0709_GSFC1976_2.wmv (320x240) [38.4 MB] || GSFC1976_NASAcast.mp4 (320x240) [35.8 MB] || GSFC1976_portal.wmv (346x260) [117.0 MB] || GSFC1976_svs.mpg (512x384) [79.1 MB] ||
Goddard Space Flight Center Archival Footage
Go to this pageFootage of cleanroom work, scientists on SOHO, XTE and the STOCC || YOUTUBE_720_GSFC_40_anniversary_b-roll_youtube_720.00361_print.jpg (1024x576) [96.5 KB] || YOUTUBE_720_GSFC_40_anniversary_b-roll_youtube_720.00361_searchweb.png (320x180) [82.5 KB] || YOUTUBE_720_GSFC_40_anniversary_b-roll_youtube_720.00361_thm.png (80x40) [5.8 KB] || GSFC_40_anniversary_b-roll.mov (1280x720) [7.6 GB] || YOUTUBE_720_GSFC_40_anniversary_b-roll_youtube_720.mp4 (1280x720) [1.0 GB] || GSFC_40_anniversary_b-roll.webm [0 bytes] ||
Hubble Archive - Pre-Launch
Go to this pageThis is a recorded interview from Voice of America. In this program, Dr. Fred Whipple discusses sending a telescope above the earth's atmosphere to transcend the atmosphere's obscuring of the view of space. He talks about plans for the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO,) which was a precursor to the Hubble Space Telescope.National Archive webpage: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/105636SVS webpage: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13059National Archives Identifier: 105636Local Identifier: 306.10-23Creator: U.S. Information AgencyFrom: Record Group 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900-2003This item was broadcast 07/10/1959Production Series: New Horizons in Science || GSFC_19590710_HST_a001_thumbnail.jpg (1280x720) [49.0 KB] || GSFC_19590710_HST_a001.en_US.srt [5.8 KB] || GSFC_19590710_HST_a001.en_US.vtt [5.5 KB] || GSFC_19590710_HST_a001.mp3 [4.4 MB] ||
Hubble Archive - Post-Deployment
Go to this pageDigitized tape of the press conference from June 27, 1990 where Ed Weiler and others explain the Hubble Space Telescope's spherical aberration problem and its impact to the science instruments. The aberration wouldn't much affect UV or IR observations, but the Wide Field Planetary Camera would be largely affected since it used visible wavelengths. TRT: 30:00Participants: Douglas Broome, HST Program Manager; Jean Olivier, Deputy Project Manager; Dr. Edward Weiler, HST Program Scientist at NASA HQ; Dr. Lennard A. Fisk, Associate Administrator Space Science and Applications at NASA HQ; Dr. Peter Stockman, Deputy Director of the Space Telescope Science InstituteLonger notes:Describing the initial spherical aberration problem with the Hubble Space Telescope’s primary mirror. Describe how they conclusively determined the nature of the problem. It affects one of their science objectives. Weiler: “We can still do important science.” UV capability and IR capability not impacted. Spatial resolution is about at ground-based resolution. Explains impacts to each of the instruments. HRS - will be able to do most of the science, just not in crowded fields, still excellent for planetary features, least impacted instrument FOS - UV science not impacted except on crowded fields, quasar absorption lines won’t be impacted because point sources, FOC - highest spatial resolution of the cameras, visible wavelengths will be ground-based resolution except maybe better for bright objects, HSP - won’t be able to do science with high signal to noise, but can do about half of proposed science esp in UV WFPC - probably no real science we can do with this because in visible Fine guidance sensors for astrometry - can do 100% of science we proposed, will be able to look at star’s wobble to find exoplanetsBiggest impact is loss of spatial resolution for WFPCInsurance policy - planned for maintenance program, are already building a second wide-field camera with a corrective mirror, think we can take out all the aberration and get back to original specification, 40% of science was going to be done with wide-field camera, developing NICMOS for near-IR capability that includes corrective opticsFor HRS and FOS, have STIS under development which would replace spectrographic capabilities Haven’t yet figured out how the problem occured; putting together a review boardDon’t know if the aberration is in the primary or secondary mirrorDidn’t test the two mirrors in combination because it would have been tremendously costly and difficult (hundreds of millions of dollars)Cuts off at endAudio missing from 11:10 - 11:20 || GSFC_19900627_HST_m001_thumbnail.jpg (720x484) [131.8 KB] || GSFC_19900627_HST_m001_thumbnail_searchweb.png (320x180) [145.5 KB] || GSFC_19900627_HST_m001_thumbnail_thm.png (80x40) [9.4 KB] || GSFC_19900627_HST_m001.mov (720x486) [12.5 GB] || GSFC_19900627_HST_m001.mp4 (720x484) [2.1 GB] || GSFC_19900627_HST_m001.webm [0 bytes] ||
Hubble Archive - Post-Servicing Mission 1
Go to this pageJanuary 10, 1994 Footage || GSFC_19940110_HST_m001_thumbnail.jpg (1280x720) [222.7 KB] || GSFC_19940110_HST_m001.mov (1280x720) [25.9 GB] || GSFC_19940110_HST_m001.mp4 (1280x720) [2.0 GB] || GSFC_19940110_HST_m001.webm (1280x720) [199.5 MB] || GSFC_19940110_HST_m001.en_US.srt [38.2 KB] || GSFC_19940110_HST_m001.en_US.vtt [36.2 KB] ||
Project Apollo
Go to this pageThis is a collection of the media resources available on the Scientific Visualization Studio website relating to NASA's Apollo missions to the Moon. More information and media can be found at NASA.gov
Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
Apollo Flight Journal
Apollo Landing Sites photographed by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Apollo in Real TimeProject Apollo Archive on Flickr
Promotional Videos
Short produced videos that highlight the contributions and workforce of Goddard.
Cosmic Cycles: A Space Symphony
Go to this pageThe complete Cosmic Cycles symphony. All seven movements paired with music composed by Henry Dehlinger and generated electronically.p> || Cosmic_Cycles_Concert_Complete_PieV2_print.jpg (1024x576) [147.9 KB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Concert_Complete_PieV2.jpg (3840x2160) [1.1 MB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Concert_Complete_PieV2_searchweb.png (320x180) [98.0 KB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Concert_Complete_PieV2_thm.png (80x40) [8.0 KB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Complete_Symphony_Online_1080.webm (1920x1080) [591.5 MB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Complete_Symphony_Online_small.mp4 (1920x1080) [2.8 GB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Complete_Symphony_Online_1080.mp4 (1920x1080) [6.4 GB] || Cosmic_Cycles_Complete_Symphony_OnlineProResLT_1920x1080_2997.mov (1920x1080) [45.6 GB] ||
Goddard at 60
Go to this pageOn July 29, 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. When it began operations on October 1, 1958, NASA consisted mainly of the four laboratories and some 80 employees of the government's 46-year-old research agency, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). Goddard Space Flight Center was established on May 1, 1959 as NASA's first space flight center.In celebration of its 60th year, we look back at the innovations and scientific impacts the women and men of Goddard have made throughout its history. ||
Science Comes Alive at NASA Goddard
Go to this pageScience Comes Alive at NASA Goddard TRT: 3:35Music Credit: Killer TracksOld River [CM099]Mainframe Disturbance [ICON007]Never Lost Combat [KOK2425]Simple Logic [CM099]Shout [CM116]Hope for Change [NYB120]Illuminating [KT332]Breaking the Atmosphere [ICON013]Chop It Up [KT332] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title_youtube_hq.00001_print.jpg (1024x576) [25.3 KB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title_appletv.m4v (1280x720) [139.9 MB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title.webm (960x540) [106.0 MB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title_appletv_subtitles.m4v (1280x720) [140.0 MB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_LONG_w_Title.en_US.srt [5.1 KB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_LONG_w_Title.en_US.vtt [4.9 KB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title_youtube_hq.mov (1920x1080) [1.5 GB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title_prores.mov (1280x720) [3.6 GB] || 12533_At_NASA_Goddard_Promo_w_Title.mov (1920x1080) [6.8 GB] ||
Goddard Space Flight Center Virtual Tour
Go to this pageNASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, is one of the few space organizations that can manage a mission from beginning to end: imagine it, build it, test it, launch it and reap the scientific benefits. Come take a behind-the-scenes look at our facilities and meet some of the people who are working every day to make the impossible possible.Music Credit:After Party by Morgan Prudhomme [ SACEM ] Publishers KTSA Publishing [ SACEM ]Riviera by Armand Falco [ SACEM ] Khatchadour Babelian [ SACEM ] Publishers KTSA Publishing [ SACEM ]Digtal Dreamscape by Josselin Bordat [ SACEM ] Publishers Koka Media [ SACEM ] Universal Production Music France [ SACEM ]Up On the Mountain by Bruce Driscoll [ BMI ] Marie Seyrat [ BMI ] Publishers Killer Tracks [ BMI ]Natural Time Cycles by Laurent Dury [ SACEM ] Publishers Koka Media [ SACEM ] Universal Production Music France [ SACEM ]Summertime Chill by Xavier Rubin [ SACEM ] Publishers Koka Media [ SACEM ] Universal Production Music France [ SACEM ]Space Age Bachelor by Benjamin James Parsons [ PRS ] Publishers Sound Pocket Music [ PRS ] || Goddard_vt_pic_print.jpg (1024x574) [156.7 KB] || Goddard_vt_pic_print_print.jpg (1024x574) [95.0 KB] || Goddard_vt_pic.png (3336x1872) [8.0 MB] || Goddard_vt_pic_print_searchweb.png (320x180) [102.5 KB] || Goddard_vt_pic_print_web.png (320x179) [102.1 KB] || Goddard_vt_pic_print_thm.png (80x40) [10.9 KB] || Goddard_VT.webm (1920x1080) [138.5 MB] || Goddard_Virtual_Tour.mp4 (1920x1080) [1.3 GB] || Goddard_VT.mov (1920x1080) [17.7 GB] || The_Goddard_Virtual_Tour.en_US.srt [26.4 KB] || The_Goddard_Virtual_Tour.en_US.vtt [26.4 KB] || Goddard_VT.wmv [0 bytes] ||