Goddard's Final Shuttle Mission Transcript
Before I get around to the poll, I want to thank each one of you. And say on behalf of NASA I want to thank each of you and your colleges for all the support you have given over the years. And with that, I'm going to proceed with the go, no go poll for the STS-135 launch.
PDL... go.
MILA... go.
Dryden... go.
Wallops... go.
Marshall... go.
Goddard Ops... go.
2... 1... 0 and lift off. The final lift off of Atlantis on the shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.
Roger-roll Atlantis.
I was extremely excited about it, of course, I tried to keep it bottled up inside but at that point in time I was just very, very proud and very happy that we were on our way.
I'm a part of something that very few people get a chance to be a part of.
Afterwards you start thinking about and you say, I'll never do this again. This is done. But I'm looking forward to a new challenge.
It's going to be nice looking back and say hey I was apart of that but having grown up with the shuttle it's sad to see it go.
Just looking forward to the future, focusing on the space station and visiting vehicles and we still have a lot of work to do.
It's very enjoyable, challengling and very rewarding. Work with a very good group of people.
I guess about two or three years ago when it was announced this was going to be the last shuttle, no one really believed it, they figured that something would come up and we would have another shuttle and another shuttle but I guess all good things have to end at one point.
Beeping satellite