The list below shows the number of the clip, the time range it appears in the video, the wavelength of the clip, a brief description of what is appearing, the date and time range of the event, the imaging cadence and the SVS page where the frames and other materials are.
Note: the time and cadence information refers to the original frames. The clips use a subset of the time range and may have had their time scale altered.
Clip 1 0:16-0:34 AIA 171 Angstrom Active regions and plasma loops 10/27/13 06:00UT---10/28/13 16:00UT 36s cadence SVS#4136
Clip 2 0:34-0:48 AIA 304 Angstrom Prominence eruption 5/3/13 17:00UT---5/3/13 19:15UT 12s cadence SVS#4132
Clip 3 0:48-1:06 AIA 171 Angstrom Prominence eruption and plasma loops 9/29/13 20:30UT---9/30/13 07:00UT 36s cadence SVS#11379
Clip 4 01:06-1:19 AIA 304 Angstrom Prominence 2/16/13 06:00UT---2/17/13 05:00UT 36s cadence SVS#4051
Clip 5 1:19-1:30 AIA 193 Angstrom Coronal hole 8/15/13 00:00UT---8/15/13 24:00UT 1min cadence SVS#4101
Clip 6 1:30-1:42 AIA 171 Angstrom Active regions and plasma loops 6/16/13 12:00UT---6/17/13 15:00UT 12s cadence SVS#4089
Clip 7 1:42-1:48 AIA 171/304 Angstrom Prominence eruption 6/21/13 2:30UT---6/21/13 08:00UT 36s cadence SVS#11298
Clip 8 1:48-1:54 AIA 131 Angstrom M Flares 10/26/13 09:30UT---10/26/13 12:00 1min cadence SVS#11387
Clip 9 1:54-2:06 AIA 304/1600 Angstrom X Flare 1/07/14 17:00UT---1/7/14 22:00UT 12s cadence SVS#4065, #11136
Clip 10 2:06-2:17 AIA 304 Angstrom Prominence eruption 7/1/13 15:00UT---7/1/13 23:00UT 12s cadence SVS#4090
Clip 11 2:17-2:26 AIA 304/171/131 Angstrom Flare and prominence eruption 5/313 18:00UT---5/3/13 19:15UT 12s cadence SVS#4066, #11262
Clip 12 2:26-2:33 HMI Continuum Large Sunspot group AR1944 1/2/14 00:15UT---1/13/14 23:45UT 15min cadence SVS#11136
Clip 13 2:33-2:40 AIA 304 Angstrom Prominence eruption 5/1/13 02:10UT---3/7/12 04:50UT 12s cadence SVS#10785
Clip 14 2:40-2:50 AIA 171 Angstrom Prominence eruption 10/27/13 04:40UT---10/28/13 16:00UT 36s cadence SVS#4136
Clip 15 2:50-2:59 AIA 304 Angstrom Plasma in active region 7/1/13 15:00UT---7/1/13 23:00UT 12s cadence SVS#4090
Clip 16 2:59-3:05 AIA 304 Angstrom/HMI Continuum Sunspot/active region 2/19/13 06:00UT---2/22/13 12:00UT 36s cadence SVS#4133, #11211
Clip 17 3:05-3:11 AIA 171 Angstrom Flare and prominence eruption 10/27/13 04:40UT---10/28/13 16:00UT 36s cadence SVS#4136
Clip 18 3:11-3:22 AIA 304/171 Angstrom Flare and cusp flow 10/23/13 23:00UT---10/24/13 03:00UT 12s cadence SVS#4121
Clip 19 3:22-3:30 AIA 171 Active regions and plasma loops 6/16/13 12:00UT---6/17/13 15:00UT 12s cadence SVS#4089