Goddard Glossary: Heliosphere Video Description



00:00 A woman with brown curly hair in front of a visualization of a large orange bubble surrounding the sun. The word “heliosphere” is spelled out above her.

00:09 A computer illustration of the Sun and the planets sits in the middle of a large pink bubble. White lines show their orbits. A larger, less completely spherical bubble surrounds the pink one. White dots bounce off the purple bubble as they collide.

00:12 A computer illustration of the sun, which zooms out in space past each of the planets. Once past all the planets, the angle rotates. All the planets orbit lines can be seen. It keeps zooming out until it looks very similar to the pink and purple bubbles before.

00:26 Back to the woman.

00:29 A computer illustration of the sun with orange rays of particles streaming from it, forming a large bubble around itself and the planets.

00:35 An illustration of each of the planets in a line. Orange rays from off screen soar past the planets.

00:41 Back to the woman.