Goddard Glossary: Annular Eclipse: Video Descriptions



00:00 A woman in a black NASA sweatshirt in front of a black background with an image of annular eclipses behind the woman. The word annular eclipse is spelled phonetically across the top of the screen.

00:07 Animation of the Earth spinning while the Moon orbits around Earth.

00:11 Animation of Earth and Moon again but casting a shadow to showcase the angle of Moon to the Earth during an eclipse.

00:15 Back to the woman talking.

00: 18 Animation of the Moon in front of the Sun creating a "ring of fire" effect.

00:24 Completely blacked out Sun caused by the Moon from a total solar eclipse.

00:27 A visualization of the Moon in different phases across a dark sky.

00: 32 Back to the woman talking.

00:36 Black and white Visualization of Saturn and Moon showcasing its rings.

00:39 Close of up Saturn's rings.

00:42 Black and white panning visualization of Saturn.

00:45 Black and white visualization of an eclipse behind Saturn's rings.

00:48 Back to woman talking.

00:52 Video of woman placing solar eye protective glasses on.

00:57: Back to woman talking.