1 00:00:10,343 --> 00:00:13,096 Asteroid Bennu is a carbon 2 00:00:13,096 --> 00:00:16,224 rich asteroid that's made of leftovers of the early solar system. 3 00:00:16,641 --> 00:00:21,521 So it's a junk pile that we can go to and get a sample back and get a firsthand 4 00:00:21,521 --> 00:00:24,524 look of what was going on 4.5 billion years ago. 5 00:00:30,780 --> 00:00:31,823 We wanted an asteroid 6 00:00:31,823 --> 00:00:36,202 that was, we could get to and back from, in the lifespan of the team. 7 00:00:36,202 --> 00:00:37,495 That's nice. 8 00:00:37,495 --> 00:00:42,167 One that that we could use, a launch vehicle that exists and we could afford, 9 00:00:42,876 --> 00:00:47,672 and then that puts us in the area of, of near-Earth asteroids. 10 00:00:48,465 --> 00:00:51,801 We needed one that that didn't have an inclination that was too high. 11 00:00:52,343 --> 00:00:54,637 We're not too much out of the plane of the Earth's orbit. 12 00:00:54,637 --> 00:00:56,848 So we get there, and then we needed an asteroid 13 00:00:56,848 --> 00:00:59,434 that was large enough so we could, navigate around. 14 00:00:59,434 --> 00:01:01,394 It wouldn't spin too fast. 15 00:01:01,394 --> 00:01:03,563 And we needed an asteroid that had spectra that 16 00:01:03,563 --> 00:01:04,022 told us 17 00:01:04,022 --> 00:01:07,442 it was organic rich. And finally, an asteroid that we had understandings of. 18 00:01:07,692 --> 00:01:11,821 And of those are five left, and Bennu was the one that we understood the most. 19 00:01:18,995 --> 00:01:20,747 The first look at at Bennu. 20 00:01:20,747 --> 00:01:23,708 We were comparing, what we saw in the laboratory versus 21 00:01:23,708 --> 00:01:26,961 what we saw on the spacecraft, that was published last year. 22 00:01:27,378 --> 00:01:31,007 These papers, we have a pair of papers that looked at the, 23 00:01:31,007 --> 00:01:34,010 the minerals found on the sample in greater depth, 24 00:01:34,260 --> 00:01:36,930 as well as the organic compounds found in the sample. 25 00:01:36,930 --> 00:01:40,475 The minerals tell us that this was a very wet world 26 00:01:40,975 --> 00:01:42,644 that dried 27 00:01:42,644 --> 00:01:44,521 out leaving evaporates, leaving, 28 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:47,774 salt deposits, in essence, baking soda and table salt. 29 00:01:48,316 --> 00:01:52,862 And then the organics tell us that this was, an ammonia rich, world 30 00:01:52,862 --> 00:01:57,575 that that must have been cold, at its in its origins. 31 00:01:57,575 --> 00:01:58,618 And the salts tell us that 32 00:01:58,618 --> 00:02:01,871 it was sort of room temperature at the last, stage of its origins. 33 00:02:02,956 --> 00:02:03,706 It tells us that it 34 00:02:03,706 --> 00:02:07,460 has amino acids, which are racemic, equal left and right handedness, 35 00:02:08,002 --> 00:02:12,340 nucleobases. All the stuff of they expect to see, 36 00:02:12,382 --> 00:02:15,844 in the formation of life scenarios, but no life itself. 37 00:02:15,844 --> 00:02:18,847 So that's very, very interesting. 38 00:02:24,269 --> 00:02:27,814 There are lots of surprises in the sample, one of which was it has very high 39 00:02:27,814 --> 00:02:32,819 ammonia, relative to meteorites we've looked at, among among the highest. 40 00:02:33,236 --> 00:02:37,407 And, this is a case where, I was concerned about contamination. 41 00:02:37,824 --> 00:02:41,161 The spacecraft uses hydrazine model propellant thrusters, 42 00:02:41,452 --> 00:02:45,206 which shoot out a jet of of ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen gas. 43 00:02:45,665 --> 00:02:48,626 How do we know the ammonia we found isn't contamination? 44 00:02:48,626 --> 00:02:51,754 Well, we had the foresight to collect some of the same propellant 45 00:02:51,754 --> 00:02:55,550 that that was on the spacecraft when it was being loaded in Florida before 46 00:02:55,550 --> 00:02:57,135 launch in 2016. 47 00:02:57,135 --> 00:03:00,305 We analyzed that in the laboratory for its its isotopic signature. 48 00:03:00,638 --> 00:03:01,681 And compare that with the ammonia 49 00:03:01,681 --> 00:03:04,684 we found in the sample and found out that they are quite distinct 50 00:03:04,976 --> 00:03:08,438 and that the the high ammonia we see is not spacecraft contamination. 51 00:03:08,438 --> 00:03:11,524 It's actually indigenous, to the to the asteroid. 52 00:03:11,774 --> 00:03:14,777 And that tells us that came from a cold environment. 53 00:03:15,028 --> 00:03:18,573 Initially, the rocks, formed beyond the orbit of Saturn. 54 00:03:19,115 --> 00:03:23,703 We also found amino acids, which are racemic, equal left and right, 55 00:03:24,162 --> 00:03:26,706 which was a surprise to me 56 00:03:26,706 --> 00:03:30,877 because other meteorites, which are very water rich, 57 00:03:31,336 --> 00:03:35,548 show an excess of left handed amino acids of some certain ones 58 00:03:35,965 --> 00:03:38,009 here, they're racemic. They're equal left and right. 59 00:03:39,010 --> 00:03:40,136 And so that, 60 00:03:40,136 --> 00:03:43,890 I thought I had that answer figured out, but I don't. 61 00:03:44,349 --> 00:03:48,186 So there's lots more questions to ask, of this sample 62 00:03:48,186 --> 00:03:51,189 and of other of other samples that we can look at. 63 00:03:56,945 --> 00:03:59,405 There's a lot of nitrogen found in biology, 64 00:03:59,405 --> 00:04:02,408 which is abundant in the Bennu sample. 65 00:04:02,742 --> 00:04:05,745 Amino acids, nuclear bases, 66 00:04:07,288 --> 00:04:08,665 organic acids. 67 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:14,128 We found small ones, like, formic acid and acetic acid, 68 00:04:14,128 --> 00:04:17,465 things of that sort in the sample, which are also common in biology, 69 00:04:18,049 --> 00:04:21,636 there are phosphates, which are abundant in biology, 70 00:04:22,011 --> 00:04:24,847 though in, in a different format. 71 00:04:24,847 --> 00:04:28,768 We we found a brine, or evidence of an ancient brine, 72 00:04:28,768 --> 00:04:31,145 which is alkaline, which is basic, 73 00:04:31,145 --> 00:04:35,775 salty and full of organic compounds, which are the ingredients 74 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:38,778 that many believe were important for the origin of life. 75 00:04:39,028 --> 00:04:42,657 So a question that I've been asking myself is, why didn't life form on Bennu? 76 00:04:43,324 --> 00:04:46,619 It had the phosphate, it had the organics, it had the water. 77 00:04:46,619 --> 00:04:47,370 It was alkaline. 78 00:04:47,370 --> 00:04:49,831 It had the right salts and minerals. 79 00:04:49,831 --> 00:04:53,293 But there is absolutely no evidence of biology in the Bennu samples. 80 00:04:54,669 --> 00:04:55,378 No evidence, 81 00:04:55,378 --> 00:04:58,381 chemically and no evidence microscopically. 82 00:04:58,715 --> 00:05:00,591 So what went wrong? 83 00:05:00,591 --> 00:05:03,594 And Bennu did not have enough time, did not have an atmosphere. 84 00:05:03,636 --> 00:05:06,681 Are our hypothesis about what life needs wrong? 85 00:05:07,181 --> 00:05:10,184 Wow. There's a lot to study. 86 00:05:16,983 --> 00:05:19,986 Bennu was a pile leftover from the early solar system. 87 00:05:20,153 --> 00:05:21,487 It's carbon rich. 88 00:05:21,487 --> 00:05:23,865 It's it has lots of ammonia. 89 00:05:23,865 --> 00:05:25,992 It has lots of organic compounds. 90 00:05:25,992 --> 00:05:29,245 It has, these evaporated, salts and minerals. 91 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:33,416 It tells us that these were available in the early solar system, 92 00:05:33,750 --> 00:05:36,419 that things like it would have been bombarding 93 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:39,422 the early Earth or Mars, Enceladus, Europa, Ceres, 94 00:05:39,422 --> 00:05:43,051 what have you. And that that the chemistry that happened here 95 00:05:43,051 --> 00:05:47,430 could have happened to these other, wet, alkaline, ocean water environments. 96 00:05:48,056 --> 00:05:51,809 So perhaps, the ingredients for life were common. 97 00:05:52,352 --> 00:05:55,355 Life seems to be difficult. 98 00:05:55,396 --> 00:05:56,647 It formed on Earth. 99 00:05:57,690 --> 00:05:59,400 It didn't form on Bennu. 100 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:00,485 We'll find out someday 101 00:06:00,485 --> 00:06:03,488 if it if there's evidence for it on Mars or elsewhere on the solar system. 102 00:06:04,364 --> 00:06:07,367 But the ingredients seem to be widespread. 103 00:06:07,617 --> 00:06:11,496 Although Bennu contains racemic amino acids that equal left and right 104 00:06:11,496 --> 00:06:16,334 handedness, as opposed to an excess of left has been seen in some meteorites. 105 00:06:16,834 --> 00:06:21,839 So maybe, Bennu wasn’t as as clement an environment 106 00:06:22,173 --> 00:06:25,176 for the origin of life based on on the amino acids 107 00:06:25,343 --> 00:06:28,096 or maybe our theories about what needs to get life 108 00:06:28,096 --> 00:06:31,099 going were wrong, and we have to reexamine them. 109 00:06:36,771 --> 00:06:38,147 So finally, samples 110 00:06:38,147 --> 00:06:41,150 come back to my laboratory, last November. 111 00:06:41,359 --> 00:06:44,404 And, it's been thrilling to be able to finally see 112 00:06:44,404 --> 00:06:47,865 this work paying a lot, paying off for, for my lab. 113 00:06:48,241 --> 00:06:52,703 And of course, the most exciting part for me is the legacy of the sample. 114 00:06:53,329 --> 00:06:56,374 More than three quarters of the sample is archived. 115 00:06:57,125 --> 00:06:59,669 The Johnson Space Center in Houston, 116 00:06:59,669 --> 00:07:02,839 also at the Japanese and soon Canadian space agencies 117 00:07:03,381 --> 00:07:07,343 so that people can request samples if they're have ideas that we 118 00:07:07,343 --> 00:07:08,803 that we're not examining. 119 00:07:08,803 --> 00:07:12,807 And in fact, people not yet born can use techniques, 120 00:07:12,807 --> 00:07:16,227 not yet invented, tests, answer questions we haven't even asked. 121 00:07:16,853 --> 00:07:21,899 And so the legacy for decades to come of the sample is the most exciting part. 122 00:07:21,899 --> 00:07:23,818 And it's been worth that 20 year journey. 123 00:07:30,199 --> 00:07:31,451 We have the luxury 124 00:07:31,451 --> 00:07:35,204 of being but being able to go to this asteroid and get a sample. 125 00:07:35,246 --> 00:07:36,122 Yes, that's close enough. 126 00:07:36,122 --> 00:07:39,125 We have the technology, we have the willpower to get it. 127 00:07:39,125 --> 00:07:39,542 And we can 128 00:07:39,542 --> 00:07:43,379 then perhaps extrapolate to other areas we can't get to, at least not yet. 129 00:07:44,547 --> 00:07:48,968 And so, bring back a sample to study in a laboratory tells us, 130 00:07:49,635 --> 00:07:53,639 what actually happened 4.5 billion years ago so that we can modify 131 00:07:53,639 --> 00:07:57,560 our experiments in the laboratory so we can adjust where we look on, 132 00:07:57,560 --> 00:08:01,856 on other worlds, on the solar system, so we can modify our theories and models 133 00:08:02,148 --> 00:08:05,401 of the chemistry, physics and geology that go into life. 134 00:08:12,408 --> 00:08:13,075 And so, 135 00:08:13,075 --> 00:08:17,079 Bennu has, a complicated history that we're just now beginning to peel back 136 00:08:17,580 --> 00:08:21,667 that, that there were pulses of different fluids 137 00:08:21,667 --> 00:08:25,630 moving through through Bennu of at different times in its history. 138 00:08:26,088 --> 00:08:30,092 And that's, will be a fascinating story to tell from 139 00:08:30,218 --> 00:08:34,096 before the solar system began, all the way up to when the sample landed on Earth. 140 00:08:34,430 --> 00:08:36,140 That's the archive Bennu has for us. 141 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:44,357 One of the first 142 00:08:44,357 --> 00:08:48,069 discoveries we made was that we, in fact, went to the right asteroid. 143 00:08:48,611 --> 00:08:51,614 It was everything we hoped and more. 144 00:08:52,198 --> 00:08:55,117 It was, organic, rich. 145 00:08:55,117 --> 00:08:56,827 It was carbon rich. 146 00:08:56,827 --> 00:08:58,913 It was very primitive. 147 00:08:58,913 --> 00:09:02,083 But it wasn't like anything else we had in our collection. 148 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:05,962 It is somewhat like Ryugu, but definitely different. 149 00:09:06,671 --> 00:09:09,674 There's some, like, some meteorites we have, but definitely different. 150 00:09:10,091 --> 00:09:12,552 It is so fragile that if it landed on Earth, 151 00:09:12,552 --> 00:09:14,637 we wouldn't be able to to collect it. 152 00:09:14,637 --> 00:09:16,180 It would fall apart. 153 00:09:16,180 --> 00:09:19,141 The the the minerals, would be ruined 154 00:09:19,141 --> 00:09:22,144 by humidity and certainly by rain. 155 00:09:22,228 --> 00:09:25,940 So this sample would not be achievable without going there. 156 00:09:26,190 --> 00:09:29,151 And, this unique object 157 00:09:29,151 --> 00:09:32,154 gives us a whole new perspective on the whole of the solar system. 158 00:09:32,238 --> 00:09:34,156 That was only possible because of OSIRIS-REx.