NEX GDDP CMIP6 Historical and Predicted Global Maximum Monthly Temperature from 1950 - 2100
The NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 Dataset
The NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 dataset is comprised of global downscaled climate scenarios derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) and across all four “Tier 1” greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs).
- Sustainability - Taking the Green Road (Low challenges to mitigation and adaptation)
- The world shifts gradually, but pervasively, toward a more sustainable path, emphasizing more inclusive development that respects perceived environmental boundaries. Management of the global commons slowly improves, educational and health investments accelerate the demographic transition, and the emphasis on economic growth shifts toward a broader emphasis on human well-being. Driven by an increasing commitment to achieving development goals, inequality is reduced both across and within countries. Consumption is oriented toward low material growth and lower resource and energy intensity.
- Middle of the Road (Medium challenges to mitigation and adaptation)
- The world follows a path in which social, economic, and technological trends do not shift markedly from historical patterns. Development and income growth proceeds unevenly, with some countries making relatively good progress while others fall short of expectations. Global and national institutions work toward but make slow progress in achieving sustainable development goals. Environmental systems experience degradation, although there are some improvements and overall the intensity of resource and energy use declines. Global population growth is moderate and levels off in the second half of the century. Income inequality persists or improves only slowly and challenges to reducing vulnerability to societal and environmental changes remain.
- A Rocky Road (High challenges to mitigation and adaptation)
- A resurgent nationalism, concerns about competitiveness and security, and regional conflicts push countries to increasingly focus on domestic or, at most, regional issues. Policies shift over time to become increasingly oriented toward national and regional security issues. Countries focus on achieving energy and food security goals within their own regions at the expense of broader-based development. Investments in education and technological development decline. Economic development is slow, consumption is material-intensive, and inequalities persist or worsen over time. Population growth is low in industrialized and high in developing countries. A low international priority for addressing environmental concerns leads to strong environmental degradation in some regions.
- Fossil-fueled Development - Taking the Highway (High challenges to mitigation, low challenges to adaptation)
- This world places increasing faith in competitive markets, innovation and participatory societies to produce rapid technological progress and development of human capital as the path to sustainable development. Global markets are increasingly integrated. There are also strong investments in health, education, and institutions to enhance human and social capital. At the same time, the push for economic and social development is coupled with the exploitation of abundant fossil fuel resources and the adoption of resource and energy intensive lifestyles around the world. All these factors lead to rapid growth of the global economy, while global population peaks and declines in the 21st century. Local environmental problems like air pollution are successfully managed. There is faith in the ability to effectively manage social and ecological systems, including by geo-engineering if necessary.
The CMIP6 GCM runs were developed in support of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6).
This dataset includes downscaled projections from ScenarioMIP model runs for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed through the Earth System Grid Federation. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a set of global, high resolution, bias-corrected climate change projections that can be used to evaluate climate change impacts on processes that are sensitive to finer-scale climate gradients and the effects of local topography on climate conditions.
These visualizations use the tasmax_monthly
Climdex variable.
SSP 126 Low Emissions: 10-Year-Average at Year 2100

The low greenhouse gas emissions scenario has carbon dioxide emissions declining to net zero around 2070, followed by varying levels of reductions in existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
SSP126 Annual-Max-of-Monthly-Maxes
150 frames, 1 fps.
SSP 245 Intermediate Emissions: 10-Year-Average at Year 2100

The intermediate greenhouse gas emissions scenario has carbon dioxide emissions remaining around current levels until the middle of the 21st century.
SSP 245 Annual-Max-of-Monthly-Maxes
150 frames, 1 fps.
SSP 370 High Emissions: 10-Year-Average at Year 2100

The high greenhouse gas emissions scenario has carbon dioxide emissions that roughly double from current levels by 2100.
SSP 370 Annual-Max-of-Monthly-Maxes
150 frames, 1 fps.
SSP 585 Very High Emissions: 10-Year-Average at Year 2100

The very high greenhouse gas emissions scenarios has carbon dioxide emissions that roughly double from current levels by 2050.
SSP 585 Annual-Max-of-Monthly-Maxes
Please give credit for this item to:
NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio
- Alex Gurvich (NASA/GSFC)
Technical support
- Laurence Schuler (ADNET Systems, Inc.)
- Ian Jones (ADNET Systems, Inc.)
- Ian Brosnan (NASA/ARC)
Scientific data support
- Sepideh Khajehei (Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAER))
Release date
This page was originally published on Monday, September 23, 2024.
This page was last updated on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 8:34 PM EDT.
Datasets used
NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 (NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections)
ID: 1220The NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 dataset is comprised of global downscaled climate scenarios derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) and across all four “Tier 1” greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The CMIP6 GCM runs were developed in support of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6). This dataset includes downscaled projections from ScenarioMIP model runs for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed through the Earth System Grid Federation. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a set of global, high resolution, bias-corrected climate change projections that can be used to evaluate climate change impacts on processes that are sensitive to finer-scale climate gradients and the effects of local topography on climate conditions.
Credit: Dr. Bridget Thrasher and Dr. Ian Brosnan, NASA NEX
This dataset can be found at:
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